OtherPay DUO

The DUO device is a ground-breaking leap forward in purchase protection and stronger authentication.

In an era where payment cards are fraught with vulnerabilities and there’s a broad tendency to over rely on what is only an assumption of one’s identity, DUO steps in to fill the gaps. 

It offers the much-needed purchase protection that’s currently lacking and provides indisputable proof of an individual’s identity.

It removes the value to a fraudster of all the information exchanged during a financial transaction and embeds digital DNA in the passcode used for authentication.

The solution requires consumer adoption, yet by embracing it, they gain the ability by which to shape a uniform and dependable experience for all purchase-related transactions and authentication needs.

OtherPay DUO card
OtherPay DUO STEP 1
OtherPay DUO STEP 3
OtherPay DUO STEP 4

I’m a consumer and I’d really like to use a DUO device and support OtherPay.

1. A customised card has the logo clearly visible with the first card expected to be OtherPay’s Prepaid Debit card, launching later in 2024.

2. The one time use code required is generated from the user’s secret PIN – only ever input to the DUO device – and the unique seed that’s extracted by DUO from the customised card (plus a few other bits and bobs!).

If you’d like to learn more about DUO…

I’d like to learn more about the DUO device.

OtherPay is all about preventing purchase and identity fraud and challenging the reason we're often encouraged to settle for less when we can demand for more.

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